Search Hints


FindPeopleInFlorida.Com is a FREE name search program that allows you to search for people in Florida by name and city(NAME SEARCH), street address and city(ADDRESS SEARCH), or phone number(PHONE NUMBER SEARCH). You may enter your data in upper or lower case.

Most searches will return more than one record. If more than 20 records are available you will be able to page thru the results. To reduce the number of pages returned, enter as much of the key fields as possible.


A search by name requires at least two of the three key fields(Last Name, First Name, City) be entered in any combination. There are four searches by name:

1. Last Name/First Name   2. City/First Name   3. City/Last Name   4. City/Last Name/FIrstName


The Last Name key field must contain the entire last name. The program will find all names on the database that have a last name equal to the last name entered. The First Name field must contain a minimum of 2 characters. The program will find all names on the database where the characters entered for first name match the same number of characters in the first name on the database.

Example: Last nane = Smith     First Name = Ste

The program will return all records that have a last name equal to Smith and whose first name has the first 3 characters equal to Ste. This type of search may result in several differnt first names returned. This search may return the first names Steve, Steven, Stephon, Stefon...


The City key field must contain the entire city name. The program will find all names whose city on the database is equal to the city entered. The First Name key field must contain a minimum of 2 characters. The program will find all names on the database where the characters entered for first name match the same number of characters in the first name on the database.

Example: City = Miami     First Name = Jo

The program will return all records that have a city equal to Miami and whose first name has the first 2 characters equal to Jo. This type of search may result in several differnt first names returned. This search may return the first names Joe, Joan, John, Joseph, Joanne...


The City key field must contain the entire city name. The program will find all names whose city on the database is equal to the city entered. The Last Name field must contain a minimum of 2 characters. The program will find all names on the database where the characters entered for last name match the same number of characters in the last name on the database.

Example: City = Miami     Last Name = Rob

The program will return all records that have a city equal to Miami and whose last name has the first 3 characters equal to Rob. This type of search may result in several differnt last names returned. This search may return the last names Roberson, Roberts, Robertson...


The City key field must contain the entire city name. The program will find all names whose city on the database is equal to the city entered. The Last Name key field must contain the entire last name. The program will find all names on the database whose last name is equal to the last name entered. The First Name key field must contain a minimum of 2 characters. The program will find all names on the database where the characters entered for first name match the same number of characters in the first name on the database.

Example: City = Miami     Last Name = Smith     First name = Fr

The program will return all records that have a city equal to Miami, a last name equal to Smith, and a first name who has the first 2 characters equal to Fr. This type of search may result in several differnt first names returned. This search may return the first names Fran, Frank, Francis...


A search by address requires both address key fields(Street Address, City) be entered. The Street Address key field must contain a minimum of 5 characters. The program will find all street addresses on the database where the characters entered for street address match the same number of characters in the street address on the database. The City key field must contain the entire city name. The program will find all names on the database that have a city equal to the city entered.

Example: Street Address = 123 Ma     City = Tampa

The program will return all records that have a city equal to Tampa and whose street address has the first 6 characters equal to 123 Ma. This type of search may result in several different addresses returned. This search may return the name list with addresses like 123 Main Street, 123 Marston Street, 123 Marion Street...


The Phone Number key field must contain the either 7 or 10 digits with no special characters. The program will find all names whose phone number on the database is equal to the phone number entered. Always do a 7 AND 10 digit search if you have the area code as some people have recorded only a 7 digit phone number.

Example: Phone Number = 1234567

The program will return all records that have a phone number equal to 1234567.